This tag
Eden gave me.
1. What is your fantasy name?
Jack hood .
2. What would your fantasy novel be about?
.Iv never written 1 .
3. If you could have one mystical creature as a pet, what would it be?
Griffin .
4. Do you believe dragons are good or evil?.
Depends .
5. Knights and castles or Elves and goblins?
Elves and goblins .
6. What is your favorite myth, and what is the origin?
Robin hood .
7. Would you read Alyson's Asteria stories if they were on her blog again?
don't no .
8. Did you read them when they were on her blog?
no .
BONUS QUESTION (has nothing to do with fantasy)
9. Are you a Switchfoot fan?
I Tag :
lala lass
God Bless, from
