There has been a lot of discussion in our house as to which of these Disney' movies are better. Some prefer F others T but today me and my sister Vellvin are doing a blog post on what we think is better in both films. Also take note, we are in the T team.
We'll start with the Princesses:
Rogan's Perspective :) (Vellvin adds comments now and then in red.)
Anna and Elsa- Vs Rapunzel (notice that there's only one princess in T instead of two because shes awesome enough to beat both from F)
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she seems more open and happy than Elsa and a little bit more than Anna (that's probably a bit unfair to Elsa though) She is also more happy with life and have you seen the amount of chores she does every day? Very accomplished. Also I love how she grows through the film.
Elsa-I think I did feel a bit sorry for Elsa, but I don't think she's the best roll model either, She was quiet and nice at the start but I don't like the whole 'breaking free thing' you are who you choose to be and in saying that this is who you are now and stuff like that is Stupid. I like Elsa at the start at her coronation. Though I do like 'Let it Go' it can also seem like Elsa doesn't care about anyone anymore, it's all about her. I know she had a lonley childhood but things like 'No right, no wrong no rules for me' irkes me.
Anna- She is a bit impulsive and a little naive. She get's a bit confused with her feelings and get's reeled in like a sea bass (Sorry inside joke.) A great joke too. :) Anna just seems very tursting, in Rapunzel this is an advantage, in Anna it's not because she trusts' Hans and hes not one to be trusted, but serously we were a;; rather reeled in don't you think?
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Kristoff vs. Flynn Ryder
Okay, well, in my opinion Kristoff just wasn't in it enough! And I was actually rather annoyed that he didn't sing a song with Anna, seriously! They couldn't do that could they, I mean, he's the Prince! Duh!
I do agree that he should have sung a song with Anna, but Anna sings a pretty good song with Prince Hans
( which we both love)
Kristoff was certainly sweet, kind and gentle, but how can he compete with swashbuckling Flynn Ryder and the mighty fry-pan? Sorry, couldn't resist. :P And Kristoff doesn't have a weapon and the fry pan with Flynn is interesting.
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I actually prefer Prince Hans over Kristoff, and PH seems to be in it more than Kristoff. Also, Flynn has this whole journey thought T, where he learns that what he thought he wanted wasn't what he did actually want, and he had this whole growth, and stopped being selfish and tried to get Rapunzel out of danger, seriously, he's pretty awesome! :D
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Sven- I admit I wasn't really touched by Sven but i think he grows a bit on you he's a bit dumb compared to Maximus. but he is quite loyal to Kristoff and is more friendly than Maximus or Pascal.
Maximus- i think Maximus is my favourite animal. He's a tough guy on the outside but sweet in his own way on the inside he also loves apples and Sven likes carrots they both have healthy diets.
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he is very happy and care free and naive (my favourite word I know) I didn't like his song to start with either but yet again it grew on me.
The Trolls-I think I was a bit disappointed with them at first because I thought the would be big and live in a cottage and there would be less of them at least that's what I imagined but I like them now and their song.
Vellvin's Perspective:
Story line: Tangled story-line is one full of fun and enjoyment, and the finale is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and heartbreaking. And Mother Gothel falls out the window and everything is better.
Frozen is visually stunning, that's true, but it seemed shorter to me somehow, did anyone else get that feeling?
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Photo-shopped I know :) |
We have a few differences in opinion, but smoothly we are of the same opinion. This post is not to degrade Frozen. it's a good movie, and entertaining, we are just comparing it with Tangled and in our eyes, it's not as great, that's for sure. :)
Vellvin blogs over at An Irish Maiden
God Bless